Saturday, May 4, 2002

Flower Shopping and Dinner

Aunt Barb took Kyla and I along with cousin, Kamisha shopping at the Little Red Farm to purchase flowers for Kyla's birthday while Dave stayed home and sprayed for weeds. Barb furnished planters, flowers, dirt and all. There was so much to choose from....hard to make up your mind. Kyla and Jed then planted the flowers and now her back patio looks so cute with the bird bath and all her flowers....just what she needs....a quiet place to retreat in the summer as she recuperates. I went home and had to plant all the strawberry plants and herbs that Barb gave me in the morning....they looked a little sad when they were put in, but are thriving now with the cool weather. The evening was spent at dinner with Brian and Kelli at the Olive Garden while Dave and I went to dinner with Mike and Linda.

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