Wednesday, June 12, 2002

Register Guard Interview and Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA FUZI AND RALPH! Double birthdays today....we seem to have a lot of those in this family.

Kyla was interviewed by the Register Guard newspaper today regarding her medical treatment at UCSF. So look for a story in the future.

We are getting ready for Fathers Day, Jed's birthday and some new baby chicks and a couple of hens this weekend. Joanna and Craig Molitor sweetly donated the chickens. Of course one of the hens has no tail or wing feathers after being mauled by a dog, so we will see how many eggs she can lay. It seems she can't stay upright because she tries to fly and topples upside down. She has no wing feathers to help her get upright so she apparently looks like a cartoon character, dead with legs straight up in the air. Poor thing! But with all the ladybugs we have for her to eat, she should be ok in no time.

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