Saturday, April 20, 2002

Building Raised Beds/Tentative Surgery Date

This weekend Kyla finally got her raised beds built. After Dave and Jed went on a wild goose chase to locate the trailer they arrived back at the house around 5:00. Brian, Jed, Dave and Emma began the work.

Emmy helping daddy

So a few were put together Saturday evening. Sunday was spent buying new drill bits because bits were getting broke off in the wood, none of the three cordless drills were powerful enough to keep going before running out of power and the electric drill kept bogging down. But they did get finished putting them together and they look great!. Now comes the finish work. Next weekend we hope to haul the soil and make the walkways between the beds. Then the planting!

Almost finished beds

The nurse from San Francisco called and basically let us know that the protocol had expired and was still in the renewal process and they hoped to have it all ready to go again by the week of May 13th. So the tentative plan is to go that week but it isn't firm at this point. Very frustrating for everyone. Hopefully we will hear soon.

Kyla is feeling good and trying to enjoy the sunshine. Keep up the positive messages....they really mean a lot to her.

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